109 Pins
DIY Summer Project: Vertical Shipping Pallet Garden | elephant journal
Got Pallets? Hate weeding? Dont feel like turning up a bunch of grass? Use a pallet as a garden bed - staple garden cloth on the backside of the pallet fill with dirt and start growing! You can also place your pallet on the ground in a rocky location rather than a grassy area, this way you will not need the garden cloth to stop the weeds and grass comin through. -&nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbspmahjongjatekok Resources and Information.
DIY: Lettering on glass bottles
900+ Crafts - DIY - Easy Stuff ideas in 2021 | helpful hints, purple bread, bread formula
Could be a cute idea--- bobby pins are super cheap, would be a good option for the very small bows
How-To: Create Instagram Photo Booth Strips in 3 Easy Steps
easy diy photo strip instructions: 1. save all your photos into a folder (have at least 16 pictures) 2. hit command-A to select all and click print 3. in printer settings, make sure it's in landscape mode 4. print 16 per page with no border