
41 Pins
Penetration Testing and IoT: A Conundrum
#Penetrationtesting in its most basic form covers only the most common devices: servers, #NAS, TCP/IP network architecture, workstations and application/web-based software. The biggest number of devices in any company today are small internet-based devices: mobile phones, tablets and #IoT.
MicroPython - Getting Started with MQTT on ESP32/ESP8266 | Random Nerd Tutorials
MicroPython - Getting Started with MQTT on ESP32/ESP8266 | Random Nerd Tutorials
Intel Offers Innovative Approach to IoT Scaling and Security - IoT - Internet of Things
#IoT Intel Offers Innovative Approach to IoT Scaling and Security #security
Visualizing the Internet of Things: A Round-up of Maps, Frameworks, and Infographics of IoT
What is Auruino and How to Program it? Arduino Programming
Arduino Programming: What is Auruino and How to Program it?Arduino UNO PIN & Components Labels
SD card sized board, let's say "SDuino"!
Once I was excited to see Intel's announce that they will release "SD card sized computer" but it was not true. This time I made it true!