
1,144 Pins
Wedding Dresses for Sale - eBay
NOT getting married anytime soon but this is just too gorgeous not to pin for the future!
How to Decoupage a Poster to a Canvas |
Cut up a cheap poster and Mod Podge it onto small canvases. Love this idea! #DIY
Quick n' Dirty: Light on Faces by telophase on DeviantArt
Lighting Tutorial-
"Turquoise and Black"
Stunning shade of turquoise. In this particular instance, bugger the tea, and I don't say that lightly.
Monestir de Montserrat / Monasterio de Montserrat / Montserrat Monastery
Monestir de Montserrat, Catalonia, Spain
Crush Cul de Sac
love this--don't know why--maybe because it's so random and ordinary--beauty is everywhere!
'geist' by artist Shohei Hanazaki. Acrylic & pastel painted on paper, 51 × 72cm. via the artist on flickr
James Dunlop Indent Jardin Tropical | James Dunlop Textiles
Jardin Poppy (19913-340) – James Dunlop Textiles | Upholstery, Drapery & Wallpaper fabrics