CSpirits - the mineral kingdom

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Carnelian: energy, protection, sense of humor, calming, boosts creative energy, guards against poverty
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MANIFEST LUCK PROSPERITY framed sacred crystal grids citrine quartz
The Crystal Castle
Morganite is the stone of Divine Love. This powerful stone opens one to the frequency of the universal heart.Morganite attracts love and maintains it. It promotes abundance of the heart & prosperity of love, and assists in connecting w/Divine Love & angelic energies: *Helps to release unhealthy emotional patterns *Aids in developing trust Morganite is used by healers to counter stress and stress-related illness. Asthma, heart problems, impotence, lung difficulties.
Mixed Minerals
Alexandrite (Chrysoberyl) an aluminate of beryllium with the formula BeAl2O4. Hardness of: 8.5
Empathetic Crystal Aversion Set comes cleansed in a sachet with: 1 Tumbled Empathetic Rose Quartz 1 Tumbled Empathetic Hematite 1 Tumbled Empathetic Smokey Quar
Crystal Formations and Their Meanings - Ethan Lazzerini
Crystal Formations and their Meanings: What are the Crystal Healing properties of different crystal formations and shapes? Discover how these common and unusual forms add extra special meanings to your crystals. #crystals #infographic
How to Use a Crystal Grid
How to Use a Crystal Grid ~ This video goes over my step by step process to creating and activating a crystal grid. You may also want to buy my Best Selling Book; Crystal Grids: How and Why They Work: http://www.amazon.com/Crystal-Grids-S... some info on how to use a crystal grid and a crystal wand for various purposes.
How to Make Your Own Crystal Grid
Crystal Grid, Learn how to make your own crystal grid layouts with healing stones and crystals. Discover the power of crystal grids with Energy Muse.