Grade 2/3 art ideas

Paper Plate Weaving How To - Red Ted Art - Kids Crafts
Paper Plate Weaving How To - such a gorgeous paper plate craft for kids. Turn your paper plates into weaving with this flower paper plate weaving activity. Just lovely indeed!
Stick weaving is fun and easy and a great activity for crafty kids who love making things with yarn. All you need is a Y-Shaped stick, yarn and a plastic sewing needle. We'll show you how to string your stick loom and weave on it here in this post. #HappyHooligans #YarnCrafts #KidsCrafts #KidsActivities,# FiberCrafts, #Weaving, #FineMotor, #HobbiesForKids #Sticks #NatureCrafts #StringArt, #YarnArt, #Kids #Art
3-D Hanging Fish (1st-3rd grade)
The Rolling Artroom: 3-D Hanging Fish (1st-3rd grade)
Foil fish craft :: ocean theme for preschool
Gorgeous foGreat under the sea art / ocean craft for kids.
Workshop 1
Workshop 1 | Explore Fem Manuals!'s photos on Flickr. Fem Ma… | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Cardboard & string fish I LOVE this site SO much