Angel statues

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Angel | Angel in one of the rooms at the Vatican | Madison Berndt | Flickr
Angel - I believe there are many of them looking down on me, and helping me thru life!
Bernini sculpture, Ponte Sant'Angelo
Bernini sculpture, Ponte Sant'Angelo | Flickr: Intercambio de fotos
protection and devotion
Our angel friends fly down to earth and bring their gentle touch, to those who need the special love of angels very much.
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Angel Of The Bridge 2 - Rome, Rome
Angel... by *elySoft*, via Flickr
Bernini's Angel. One of ten angels adorning the Ponte Sant'Angelo, Roma
archangel protecting cemetary in cantabria, spain
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Bernini's angel sculpture on Pont Sant'angelo
Castel Sant'Angelo
Angel with the Lance The bridge was built in about 133 to link the mausoleum of Hadrian to the left bank of the Tiber, but very little remains of the original structure. The Pope Clemens VII Medici in 1534 put the statues of Saint Peter and Saint Paul on the side opposite Castel Sant’Angelo. In the 17th century the structure became one of the best examples of the Roman baroque with the collocation of statues of angels and symbols of the Passion, designed by Bernini.