DIY Woodwork tools

109 Pins
Build a Tablesaw Crosscut Sled - Fine Homebuilding
Trimming cabinet doors and drawers, mitering small pieces, and making wide crosscuts for shelving is safer and easier with this simple sled
The 7 B’s of Bookcase Plans | Popular Woodworking
Handy Drill Press Jig Build an adjustable table to drill angled holes a piece of cake.
Homemade Spur Chuck
Spur Chuck by Jason Rodgers -- Homemade spur chuck fashioned from a coupler nut and a length of threaded rod.
8 Clever Jigs (Clamps and Fixtures) for Your Workshop
You can always use a little help around the workshop, so here are 8 great mechanical assistants
Deine Heimwerker-Community| Bosch DIY
Bau von Leimknechten / Leimzwingen Bauanleitung zum selber bauen