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Collectible Modern Custom & Handmade Fixed Blade Knives for sale | eBay
Dirk Pinkerton Custom Neck Knife
This item is unavailable | Etsy
neck knife EDC by oldetownsmithy on Etsy
HideAway Knives, Tiger Claw: The concept behind this knife is that it is ultra-concealable (covert), highly retainable in a struggle (giving you the ability to catch your balance, draw a weapon and use your hands without letting it go) and accessible quickly and easily.
Photos - SharpByCoop's Gallery of Handmade Knives
Nice leather work for knife sheath worn scout style.
Post Your Afrankart Knucks!
Afrankart Knucks - handy addition to an EDC
How To Make A Giant Monkey Fist Paracord Project
Paracord Projects: How to make a Giant Monkey Fist - DIY Ready - DIY Ready
This item is unavailable | Etsy
Monkey Ball with Carribeaner...kinda neat