garden goodies

51 Pins
Love just around the bend at Bella Madrona: Portland Garden Bloggers Fling - Digging
Succulent-filled wire sphere. Love just around the bend at Bella Madrona: Portland Garden Bloggers Fling | Digging
Taitotyöläisen taloustyökalut – Kassavirtalaskelma, budjetointi ja hinnoittelu
18 Landscape lighting And Ideas - MeCraftsman More
Garden Planter ~ Olde Rustic Bed Post standing in a wooden garden planter box, with an Olde Metal oil lantern hanging from the bed post. Created By K Avery
The WHOot
Bowling-Ball-Garden-Ornaments I am going to make some of these using Robs old golf balls and place them around my succulents.
From Bowling Balls to Garden Art
Spittin Toad: From Bowling Balls to Garden Art
Peace Love Yard Ball
Bowling Balls are GREAT to recycle in the garden, just think what you could do! Let your inspiration come out.