my plants

11 Pins
succulent planter
succulent planter (graptopetalum paraguayense in it?)
Propagating Succulents is Easy and Gives you New plants for free
Don't know the name of your succulent or cactus plant? This great Compendium of 127 Stunning Desert Plants and Succulents may help. Image shared with permission of . For help on propagating succulents please visit
How to Grow Succulents
Growing succulents is very easy! These tiny hardy plants multiply like rabbits, but some tips to encourage the multiplication pro...
How to Grow Succulents
Growing succulents is very easy! These tiny hardy plants multiply like rabbits, but some tips to encourage the multiplication pro...
Page Not Found | Succulents and Sunshine
Find out more about these 10 easy to grow succulents and add them to your collection!
Page Not Found | Succulents and Sunshine
A step-by-step tutorial on propagating succulents from leaves! See how to grow more succulents from the ones you already own!