art project

15 Pins
Assemblage Clock - Compendium of Curiosities Challenge 10
Claudine's Art Corner: Assemblage Clock - Compendium of Curiosities Challenge 10
CC3C - Challenge 10 - Assemblage Clock
Postcards from the Attic: CC3C - Challenge 10 - Assemblage Clock
etsy find: paper sculptures
AMAZING Paper Sculptures from London Handmade (Available of Etsy) I can't believe this is paper! Wow!
Honey bees in their hive, made from recycled book pages, map and matchbox labels. Made by artist Kate Kato.
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Thanksgiving Wood Turkey Toy/Decoration
Thanksgiving Wood Turkey Toy--but I think we'll try to make one out of cardboard and let my little girl decorate it
Zim & Zou's BBQ
Zim & Zou’s BBQ Just in time for summer, French studio Zim & Zou is serving up some delectable inspiration in the form of their paper crafted BBQ set, complete with paper meat and utensils.
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remember when I used to make things out of cardboard at Langara??.....I should've made you a camera!!
Elephant Made Out Of 6000 Recycled Cardboard Tubes • Recyclart
The creative crew Nituniyo (Spanish creative agency) built this elephant sculpture out of 6000 recycled cardboard tubes for the Fallas Festival in Valencia (Spain). Over the duration of the festival, the sculpture slowly transformed from a cardboard brown into a colorful elephant with the participan…