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How to Manipulate a Narcissist- The Narcissists Wife
How To Manipulate a Narcissist. Tools to preserve yourself while in a narcissistic relationship. How to beat him at his own game.
reading these words makes me vomit. exact sentences my narcissistic mother repeatedly said to me, she makes me sick. my grown children can not stand her. (or her flying monkeys for that matter). no contact forever. Any mother who says shit like this to her own daughter deserves exactly what God serves to her. stay the hell away from me for the rest of your life. all of you. birds of a feather. learned behavior. generation after generation after generation. greed is their favorite game. losers
i need to convince myself i deserve the love i give, but i recall my relationship, it wasn't so. Maybe it was my fault ? at some point in life I did something wrong and one thing leads to another. I am paying for the consequences of it now ? it all began with just one mistake. | r R.H.Sin — #poem #206 by #rhsin
I need to find my way back to you, could you show me please?
Maybe when we are slightly older and have our shit together, i do miss you more then you'll ever know
‘Sometimes The Most Beautiful People Are Beautifully Broken’ — An Interview With Poet R. M. Drake
R.M. Drake poetry