Baby Sews

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I made this for my niece Emily for her 5th Birthday and filled it with Barrett's. She loved it. Got the idea from another pinner.
I like the fabric combination on this summer dress. Wouldn't have thought to add a bit of denim, but I love it.
Baby Boy Romper sewing pattern (3+ months to 3 years) - Sew Modern Kids
Sewing pattern for a Baby Boy Romper(3+ months to 3 years). This beauty is a classic baby romper/sunsuit for boys and girls. The romper is completely reversible so fabric is required for both faces and there is no need for facings. It features a bib pocket, elastic back waist and leg openings, cross-over button-on straps and has a crotch opening with snap fasteners. The leg openings have bias binding edging which is used to form the elastic casings. Bias pattern and instructions are included.
DIY... Monster Hooded Towel | Haberdashery Fun
DIY.. Monster Hooded Towel. Full tutorial on the HaberdasheryFun blog
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