Learning to Drive

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The Best Parental Control Apps For Kids Phones + The Secret Apps Your Teen May Be Using - Penny Pinchin' Mom
Secret apps your teen may be using!!! Learn how to monitor your teen's apps and texts to you can keep them safe!!! You don't want them falling for a predator or getting into trouble by getting the wrong cell phone app. #cellphoneapp #parentalcontrolapps #onlinesafety #keepingkidssafeonline #parentingtips #teencellphone #PPM
How to Teach a Scared Teenager to Drive
We parents dread the daredevil teen driver of popular imagination for good reason. What are we afraid of? That’s easy: the idea of undeveloped judgment behind the wheel of a two-ton projectile! But some teenagers of driving age don't fit the stereotype. A growing number don’t look forward to getting their license at all. This article helps defuse the fear that will block even the best driving instruction. #teens #teenagers #teendriving #drivingtest #learntodrive #parentingteens #driving