carmen diy

33 Pins
Olha só essa dica de borrifador spray para ambientes, sua casa vai ficar muito cheirosa 😍 E você precisa de apenas 3 ingredientes: amaciante, água e álcool ✨ Vídeo da @geyselauany #dicasdecasa #borrifadorspray #aromatizadordeambientes #casaperfumada #utilidadesdomesticas Borrifador spray, aromatizador de ambientes, casa perfumada, utilidades domésticas, dicas de casa
This may contain: a mattress that has been washed and is sitting on the floor in front of a tiled wall
How to Easily Remove Old Pee Stain and Smell from a Mattress
Tutorial on how to remove pee stain from mattress using natural ingredients! It's an easy, quick, and effective cleaning solution.#cleaningtips #lifehacks
This contains: Handmade Pendant Lights
Handmade Pendant Lights
You can only make such an attractive lamp with a few glass bottles and the lowest cost.