Inspiration and Demotivation ;)

Quotes and other moments of human genius
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Stephanie Bennett-Henry - You set the bar too high for everyone who would try to know me after you. No one has a chance. I will never be touced like that again and I have never been so cold. #stephaniebennetthenry | Facebook
You set the bar too high for everyone who would try to know me after you. No one has a chance. I will never be touced like that again and I have never been so cold. #stephaniebennetthenry #poem #poetry #writing #quote
Capstone Counseling BLOG
As I sit here, I am wondering how we all keep going on when we don't want to. How do we get the strength to be brave and keep trying when we have fallen so many times? What is within us that allows us to go to bed and get up another morning and try again when things are not going the way we wish they would? It is really amazing actually. I am not in awe at those that keep going when it is easy. I am blown away and encouraged by those that just keep going when I know how hard it is for them. Thos
Last night I started watching @aplasticocean and had to stop. Putting my big girl face on and trying again tonight with a clearer mindset braced for what I really really don't want to see. I've been working on @seafoxcreatives as a way to raise awareness about the beauty of the coast in order to get people to engage with protecting it but it's feeling pretty insignificant in the face of the damage already done. It's so easy to feel overwhelmed especially when throw away plastic is so insidious
25 Amazing Inspirational Life Quotes
25 Amazing Inspirational Quotes #greatquotes #inspiringquotes #wisdom #soundquotes #advice
We are fragile, bring chocolate
Let us forget, with generosity, those who cannot love us.
INFP "porn"
#Quotes|Empaths & Highly Sensitive People (HSP) •~• #Hermann Hesse