How to make steel tools

Tool That Needs Every Constructor On The Field
Tool that will simplify the work on the construction field now you can use it. This is easy project that can be made as DIY project and will help a lot in the house building process. This way the bricks will be on its place easier, faster and more important – all the same. You don’t need measurements all the time to make the wall leveled. You don’t have overloaded and less loaded pieces with cement while connecting the bricks…
Струбцины своими руками
Струбцины своими руками. - YouTube
How to Angle a Drill Bit 'Using a SIMPLE TRADE SECRET' (by Craig Kirkman)
Drill bit angles 'Easily Explained', recommended angles for materials
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New Ring Roller, bender, Flat/ round, pipe, box, tube
Как согнуть профильную трубу в домашних условиях своими руками: видео, фото
Чертеж и детали механического трубогиба для профильных труб
Homemade welding jig , aligns round or square stock to be welded
Tubing Clamps by Lowbuck Tools. Made a couple of these about ten years ago, super handy for chassis and cage work.