bio architecture

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6 Reasons to Upgrade to RebelMouse from WordPress
German architect André Broessel, of Rawlemon created a spherical sun-tracking solar energy-generating globe -- essentially a giant glass marble on a robotic steel frame. It concentrates both sunlight & moonlight up to 10,000 times -- making its solar harvesting capabilities 35% more efficient than conventional dual-axis photovoltaic designs.
Thriving since 1960, my garden in a bottle: Seedling sealed in its own ecosystem and watered just once in 53 years
Just Bottle It and Forget It! That’s exactly what a man in the UK did. 53 years ago he put a seedling in a giant glass bottle, watered it once and has not touched it since. It now fills the entire bottle and continues to thrive. Creating it’s own ecosystem, all the plant needs is light.
“Let someone love you just the way you are – as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes feel, and as unaccomplished as you think you are. To believe that you must hide all the parts of you that are broken, out of fear that someone else is incapable of loving what is less than perfect, is to believe that sunlight is incapable of entering a broken window and illuminating a dark room.” — Marc Hack
Heineken WOBO: When Beer Met Architecture
Upon visiting Curaçao in 1960, Alfred Heineken was struck by two things: the beaches were littered with beer bottles – many bearing his name – and there was a shortage of affordable building materials for the poor. In a stroke of either genius or madness, Heineken realized that both problems would be solved if people could build their houses with his beer bottles. Intent on realizing his vision, he enlisted an architect to design a glass brick that he could also sell beer in.
Biological Concrete for a Living, Breathing Facade
Biological Concrete for a Living, Breathing Facade Structural, by Technology Group of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC)
Finalists Create Next Generation of Sustainable Building Products
Ecococon: Straw Panels “Prefabricated load-bearing Straw Panels are made for cost-efficient and precise construction of super-insulated hous...
♂ Green building sustainable architecture design vertical garden living wall
La primera casa de botellas de África
SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE. A house made out of plastic bottles. Project by DARE (Developmental Association For Renewable Energies).