Animals: SNAKES

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Prevent Snakes in Your Backyard
Plants that repel snakes... If you're not an admirer of snakes, plant these at every place possible!
snake repellers employ vibration technology to scare away these dangerous reptiles. I need these
Prevent Snakes in Your Backyard
Some plants that can be planted around your backyard to repel snakes naturally - Wormwood, Tulbaghia Violacea, Lemon Grass, Sarpgandha, Andrographis paniculata ][ Other common repellants - Homemade Snake Stopper (garlic mixture), Cinnamon Oil, Clove Oil, Liquid Fence (natural commercial snake repellant)
Here at Life Support - Ultimate Survival Gear LLC we love the #outdoors and #nature, except when we get an unwanted guest in our garage We're talking a 4 + foot long rat snake. Not a pretty sight to see in your garage. Anyways we thought we'd pass this tip along that the animal control officer (who came to get the snake) gave us. Seems that snakes and other critters can push the flap on your garage door aside and make their way in. To prevent this place a mothball or snake repel in the corner.