Household Tips and Ideas

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Office Chair Facelift
How to reupholster a computer rolling chair. Fabric, pliers and a staple gun is all you need!
Toilet Cleaning Fizzies
DIY Toilet Cleaning Fizzies with essential oil {aka toilet bombs) - cleans, freshens, scrubs, removes stains, deodorizes, and disinfects. made with lemon essential oil #essentialoilrecipes #toiletbomb #naturalDIY #DIYessentialoil #essentialoilcleaning #lemonessentialoil
How To Clean Washing Machine: A Top Loading Washer Naturally
A simple, natural way to clean your top-loading washing machine using baking soda and white vinegar. I just did this today and it worked like a charm! Ours was pretty grungy, so I also used a little bit of dish soap on a non-scratch sponge to clean around the water line and the agitator. It's sparkling and smells great now.
How to paint bathroom tiles - Property24
How to paint bathroom tiles! No more worry about buying a house with outdated tile.
spices in a drawer- with baby food jars and chalkboard paint!
I Love Old Windows
SO FREAKIN AWESOME!!! Soak steel wool in apple cider vinegar, rub down new wood with the soaked steel wool for an instantly aged wood look. Good to know for "vintage" signs.
ERRP | Expired Registration Recovery Policy
tons of ideas on displaying coffee table, bath towels, and bedroom!
The Heat Is On! – Emerald Interiors Blog
Save yourself the hassle of setting the table by arranging your silverware in these pretty painted plant pots and let guests help themselves.