vegan milkshakes and ice cream

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Vegane Walnuss-Panna-cotta mit Schokoladen-Ganache · Eat this!
Vegane Walnuss-Panna-cotta mit Schokoladen-Ganache · Eat this! Veganes Foodblog seit 2011
Peanut Butter Mousse with Chocolate Ganache 😍🥜🍫
Peanut Butter Mousse with Chocolate Ganache 😍🥜🍫 This amazing recipe was made by @georginaburgess_ and you can find the full recipe on the link bellow⬇️🤤 #peanutbuttermousse #reeses #chocolatepeanutbutter #chocolateganache #dairyfreedessert #veganrecipes #plantbasedrecipes #veganprotein #highproteindessert #nobakedessert #vegansweets #healthyvegan #veganpudding
This may contain: chocolate being poured into a glass mug with the words healthy hot chocolate in front of it
Healthy Hot Chocolate | Quick Recipes |
Ingredients: ☕1+1/2 cup milk ☕5 Medjool dates, pitted ☕3 tbsp sugar free dark chocolate ☕2 tbsp cocoa powder ☕1/4 tsp cinnamon powder Instructions: 1. Soak 5 dates in 1/2 cup hot milk for 5 mins. 2. Blend the soaked dates along with the milk to form a smooth paste. 3. Now, in a saucepan add the milk, cocoa powder, and cinnamon powder along with the date paste and whisk until it combines. 4. Add dark chocolate and mix until the mixture just comes to a boil and begins to thicken. 5. Remove the saucepan from the heat and serve the healthy hot chocolate immediately. 6. This recipe serves 2 small glasses or 1 large glass of hot chocolate.
This may contain: a man holding an ice cream sundae in front of his face and looking at the camera
Healthy Ice Cream
Learn how to make your own healthy Mango Magnum Ice Cream at home! Save this video tutorial for a sweet and refreshing summer treat and follow us for more. Credit: @mensch.chef on IG. #NutritionTips #HealthyEating #HealthySnacks #heathtips #NutritionalTips #bloodpressure #brainpower #health #nutrition #healthyliving #healthyeating #eatclean #nutritionaltips #cleaneating #mango #energy #healthboost #goodhealth #ImmuneBoost #immunesystem #healthy #diet #nutritionist #wellness #fitness #icecream Ingredients • 200g cashews • 125g cream (scroll for the recipe) • 25g maple syrup • 30g coconut oil / butter • 2/3 Mangos • 200g 54% Dark Chocolate
This may contain: someone is spreading chocolate on top of the cake in a glass dish with a spoon
could transform leftover rice into a decadent chocolate mousse💁🏻‍♂️?
But after having tried it🙌🏻, I can confidently say that you cannot taste rice at all and the result is incredibly chocolatey, creamy and just soo good ❤️ Ingredients 🤌🏻1+1/2 cup (260g) dark chocolate, melted 🤌🏻1 cup boiled rice 🤌🏻1/2 hot water 🤌🏻Cocoa powder, for dusting Process 1. Begin by melting dark chocolate in the microwave, heating it in 30-second intervals until it is completely melted. 2. In a blender, combine cooked rice, boiled water, and the melted dark chocolate. Blend until you achieve a smooth, velvety mousse like texture. 3. Pour the mixture into a bowl and refrigerate it for 2 hours until it sets. 4. Once the pudding is set, dust the top with cocoa powder and enjoy! 🎥@shivesh17
This may contain: a hand holding a cup filled with chocolate ice cream
Day 73 of 100: Tofu Chocolate Mousse 🍫
Hand on heart you can’t taste the tofu!! This 5 ingredient decadent vegan mousse only takes 5 minutes of prep and is so rich.
Nourishing Amy | Vegan Plant Based Recipe Development Blog
cremiges Vanilleeis - einfaches Rezept ohne Mixer - eifrei, sojafrei, nussfrei, glutenfrei, auf Wunsch vegan und fructosearm - KochTrotz ♥ Flexi-Rezepte ♥ mit Tausch-Zutaten
cremiges Vanilleeis - einfaches Rezept ohne Mixer - eifrei, nussfrei, glutenfrei, auf Wunsch vegan und fructosearm
This may contain: a person holding a small glass with some food in it
Vegane Kokosmousse
Veganer Eggnog mit Vanille & Zimt · Eat this!
Veganer Eggnog mit Vanille & Zimt · Eat this! Veganes Foodblog seit 2011