For my hubby

36 Pins
9 Ways to Better Your Marriage
Take time to nurture your marriage and oneness with your spouse. Spend 5 minutes in prayer, asking, 'Lord, how can I express my love today?' Then write down every way you can think of to tell your honey, 'I love you.'
Let's Talk Bible Study 31 Prayers to Pray for Your Husband
How to Change Your Husband Without Saying a Word
The Best Way to Change Your Husband-Mom Remade-Have you tried to change your husband to no avail? Why not try a different tactic? Start praying for him. You don't even have to say a word to him. God knows and He will hear if you call to Him. #prayer #prayforhusband #changeyourhusband #change #marriage #wifeproblems #husband #changeyourmarriage
13 BIGGEST Relationship Mistakes Women Make – Motivation for Mom
relationship mistakes women make, mistakes wives make, marriage mistakes, strong marriage, healthy marriage, marriage, how to stay in love, how to keep your marriage strong, husband, wife,
Being a righteous wife means being obedient to God. If you want your to strengthen your marriage, ask The Lord to help you develop these attitudes.
16 Date Ideas To Shake Up Your Marriage - The Best Of The Middle
16 amazing date ideas for married couples. Try these fun ways to get out of your regular date habits and into these bring you closer together dates!
Take the 5 Love Languages Quiz
Take the 5 Love Languages Quiz - And this is the best marriage website I have found yet. My, I love it. REPIN to save for later. I can't wait to take this quiz with my hubby!
How to Show Your Husband Christlike Love - Free Indeed
Biblical love, the love Christ exemplified to us, is “you-centric”—how can I give to you? Prayerfully and practically show this to your husband. | Marriage Help | Godly Marriage | How to Love Your Husband | How to Reach Your Husband | Scripture for Marriage | Bible Verses for Marriage
DIY Date Night Jar for 100 Great Dates
This page is from – For some reason she removed this DIY page from her site; and we were linking to this article on our site. Rather than remove the link or leave a broken link, I have found a old cached version in Google of her orignial page. I will be happy to remove …