Awesome world

this is a picture of the space shuttle leaving earth taken from the International space station...perspective
If This Doesn’t Blow Your Mind, Nothing Will
If this doesn't blow your mind, nothing will, and this is just ONE of trillions upon trillions of galaxies!!!
High-Speed Droplet Photography With an Arduino
This Instructable is meant to be a supplement to a video I made on the same topic, which can be found here: I recommend watching the video for a summary, and to see some interesting stop-motion impacts, and then use this guide for details on how to build your own setup. High-speed droplet photography is an awesome convergence of science, photography, and art. The main idea is to capture the complex fluid dynamics that occur when droplets impact surfaces of water, each other, the splashes of o...
Visuals Unlimited
Neuron cell body (purple) with numerous synapses (blue). Communication from one neuron flows to another neuron across a synapse, the small gap separating neurons. SEM X80,000. #microscope #microscopic #biology #medical #medicine #human
Infographics – James Kennedy
Although The LEGO Movie didn't win an Oscar this year, that doesn't stop us from discovering the chemistry behind this legendary toy! #chemistry #lego #kids #science
Why is Coffee so Irresistable? The Chemistry of STARBUCKS®
All I understand/see on this chart is that it is made from mostly water, therefore it's healthy! Lol
50 Physics Lesson Plans for Middle school Students — Innovative Teaching Ideas