
16 Pins
I like the idea of having info posters like this for grown-ups around offices or homes. great art-projects
Overused Words from Carrie Mayville on (1 page)
Overused Words from Carrie Mayville on - (1 page) - Overused words reference sheet
the most basic, self-explanatory 'map' of the parts of speech. Great map of the parts of speech. Using different colors provides a multi-sensory approach to teaching these.
The Original Kitchen Cheat Sheet from Everest
Kitchen Cheat Sheet / Everest Home Improvements
Very Useful Expressions in English
Very Useful Expressions in English - learn English,vocabulary,english
Language Learning Base
Funny English Expressions - learn English,vocabulary,english
Change Passive Voice to Active Voice
Infographic for active vs passive voice. A helpful infographic from Your Dictionary. Perfect for the classroom!
Present perfect vs Past simple tense - Games to learn English
Present Perfect vs. Past Simple Infographic