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Sometimes when you're in a dark place, you think you've been buried, but you've actually been planted. Resilience, change, faith.
13 reminders for single tasking | Jo ChunYan
MULTI-TASKING is out - FOCUS & MINDFULNESS is in. Here are some reminders to help you to learn to single task & focus again.
I don't know what they are called, the spaces between seconds -- but I think of you always in those intervals. #sweet #quote
The Best Apology – How to Say Sorry Like You Mean It
The Best Apology - How to say sorry like you mean it. #staymarried
10 Things To Do For Your Husband in Just 10 Minutes
10 Things to Do For Your Husband that Take Just 10 Minutes--a great way to boost your marriage!
I Want to Grow with You (Live Life Happy)
"I Want to Grow with You." To watch someone grow and change internally and consciously is an amazing journey to reflect on. We have both changed quite a bit in the past 3 years and I'm loving every second of growing WITH you. <3
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He always dreamt of being a hero. She always dreamt of being a princess. As fate would have it, he's her hero and she's his princess.
My Big Date
appreciate the moment of a first kiss, it may be the last time your own your heart. r.m. drake.
Remington Typewriter Poetry.
“We softly got lost in the things that would take us away and we never returned from them again. To us: that was each other.” ― Christopher Poindexter