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A.M. Leonard's Gardener's Edge | Gardening Supplies & Tools
Mason Jar Soil Test | Determining what type of soil you have in your garden can be done with a glass jar with a lid, some water, and a sample of your soil. When soil particles separate you can see a mixture of the main soil types: sand, silt and clay. A well balanced soil (also called Loam) will have an almost even balance between the three particles. If your soil has more clay or more sand you can help your plants by learning the best watering and treatment methods for your particular soil!
Have you been wondering what is the best plant to grow at your home, and yet to be inexpensive and easy? The answer is garlic. Did you know that by eating a whole head of garlic every day you can do miracles for your body? Garlic is a very simple ingredient but with extraordinary health …
How to Get Rid of Cutworms in the Garden
How to Get Rid of Cutworms in the Garden - Montana Homesteader
How to Grow 100 Pounds of Potatoes in 4 Square Feet
How to Grow 100 Pounds of Potatoes in 4 Square Feet
Weeding garden beds the easy way
Hate weeds but hate having to pull them out by hand even more? Say no more. The answer is here...try the Rocket Weeder! #rocketweeder
13 Natural and Effective Ways to Kill Weeds
Natural Weed Control...Cornmeal. Sprinkle on garden and it will keep weed seeds from germinating and growing into plants. It will keep any seeds from germinating so dont use in vegetable garden until plants are established.
4 Natural Things For A Bright Green Lawn With No Weeds
These are all natural ways to have a green lawn with no weeds
Why Are My Plants Turning Yellow?
why are my plants turning yellow
DIY Beehive in a Jar - Fresh honey in your backyard!
DIY Beehive in a Jar - Backyard Honey with this easy project. LOVE! Honey with comb, already made inside of a mason jar!
51 Budget Backyard DIYs That Are Borderline Genius
51 Budget Backyard DIYs That Are Borderline Genius