
285 Pins
New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
Wow...seriously long tusks
African elephant, Tubu Tree Camp, Jao Reserve, on the west of the Okavango Delta, Botswana
Baby elephants are among the sweetest things on earth...
Steve Bloom Artist
African elephants entwining trunks, Savuti, Botswana by Steve Bloom
Elephant Charge by Morkel Erasmus / 500px
Elephant Charge by Morkel Erasmus A ritual of taunts, feints, and mock charges ensued. These actions were the tell of a belligerent elephant: ears flapping wildly, body rocking side to side, trunk restlessly trumpeting, and front legs pawing the ground. These signs were either a precursor to a serious attack, or merely another mock charge—no one knew." -- THE ZEBRA AFFAIRE (excerpt) www.thefinemaxim.com