Health Smart

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A Point Of A Hundred Diseases On Your Body: Here Is What Will Happen If You Massage It
Acupressure - Zu San Li (“point of longevity” / “point of a hundred diseases”) - permanent rejuvenating & healing effect, delaying aging - the little dent below kneecap, on the "outside" of that knee - Massage before lunch, 9 times on each leg, for 10 min. Use clockwise motion. Not at night (insomnia) - massage simulates increased adrenal gland activity >> blood pressure, insulin, inflammatory processes, immune system, digestion, gastrointestinal tract (heal diseases), treat stroke, weight loss
I know, from personal experience, that Apple Cider Vinegar + honey + hot water works really well for a sore throat or persistent cough ... so this is worth a shot...
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Health Hazard - Microwave Popcorn -- There is a wide variety of light versions of microwave popcorn on the market nowadays, and it is easy to assume that some of them are healthy. However, manufacturers pack them with diacetyl and sodium, a combination that can cause cancer when used on a regular basis.
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Headache / migraine relief - hands and feet in hot / warm water + frozen peas at base of head - draws blood to extremities to alleviate pain